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A.I. | Artificial Intelligence and Addiction | Alcoholism

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

Navigating Data Challenges and AI Potential in Addiction & Alcoholism: Lessons from a Recent Guest

It seems there isn't a great deal out there yet. But those that are sharing, talk about predicting why and when people might turn to their substance of choice, predicting an imminent relapse, which treatment has the best chance of success. Quite frankly most of us can probably predict better than any computer currently can.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has shown immense promise in improving patient outcomes, predicting behaviors, optimising treatment plans. However, the benefits of these AI-driven solutions hinges on the availability of robust scientific data. A recent experience involving a guest from The Netherlands shed light on the intricate balance between data privacy regulations and the potential for groundbreaking advancements in fields like cancer treatment and on .y case alcoholism treatment.

The Dilemma of Data Access

During this recent encounter with the PhD candidate studying the effectiveness of radiation for female cancers, it became apparent that even well-intentioned researchers face formidable challenges in accessing vital data. Stricter data privacy laws, such as those present in Europe, can significantly impede the retrieval of essential information required for scientific inquiry. Despite the undeniable benefits that data accessibility can bring to patients, navigating these regulatory hurdles is a complex mission.

AI's Potential in Alcoholism Intervention

One area that stands to gain from AI's capabilities is alcoholism intervention. Predicting relapses and tailoring treatment plans to individual needs are paramount in aiding recovery. AI can play a pivotal role analysing extensive datasets to uncover patterns that contribute to the various factions of alcoholism. Interestingly, even less material on the role that genetics plays in addiction.

Collaborative Efforts: The Key to Progress

The success of AI-driven healthcare solutions necessitates a harmonious collaboration between various stakeholders. Researchers, medical practitioners, data custodians, and legal experts must join forces to ensure ethical data usage while harnessing AI's potential. Bridging the gap between data privacy and scientific advancement is a challenge that requires interdisciplinary efforts.

Striking a Balance

The experience with the Dutch researcher underscores the need for a balanced approach that respects patient privacy while fostering scientific exploration. Stricter data laws are in place to protect individuals, but a mechanism should also be in place to facilitate research that can revolutionise healthcare.

The delicate balance between data privacy and scientific advancement is a challenge.

Would you be willing to take part in a research project? I would if it helped others, and myself.



3 years 3 months dry

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