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What is Rock Bottom? Why do they use it when referring to Recovery from Alcoholism

Like many phrases, it can have different meanings depending on where you are calling home 🌎

I would define it as reaching the point of no return for an alcoholic.

Using me as an example, I could have carried on drinking and been dead within weeks. Or, I accepted I was at my lowest, LISTENED to those I respected most; and got on with the detoxification and rehabilitation.

I obviously went with the latter as I am adding this entry with 3 years and 3 months sobriety under my belt.

However, I was a highly functional alcohol from ages 18 - 44. It took my partner 10 months for it to finally click. And that it was ideal timing for me to get help.

Others may describe it as the point the alcoholic ADMITS they are powerless over alcohol.

For more on how, and who got me there. This 4 minute read might help you get over the line and seek the professional help requited.

Photo - around 1997 graduation - aged 21. Newcastle, United Kingdom. I am convinced I became addicted to Alcohol within the first month of University. Male, beer 🍺 in hand

Aged 43, living and hiding my addiction on the set of Outlander.

Read more about that experience here

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